Dealing with background check questions: I am asking your advice


I hope you're all doing well! I recently landed a job opportunity and successfully passed the interview stage. However, my future employer is now conducting a background check, which includes some tricky questions. One question that has me a bit anxious is: "Have you ever been dismissed, asked to resign, or left a previous employment on negative or bad terms?"

To give you some context, I was terminated from one of my previous jobs due to not meeting performance evaluations. I did qualify for Employment Insurance (EI), so I believe this falls under "termination without cause," which is fairly common in Canada. Thankfully, I have no record of being terminated for cause, which could be more damaging.

My current thought is to answer honestly by saying, "I have never been terminated for cause or fired due to misconduct."

What do you think? Is this response acceptable? I want to be truthful with my future employer but also worry that my past termination might impact my chances of getting this job. Have any of you faced a similar situation? How did you handle it? I'd love to hear your insights and experiences!

I expect your honest response. Thanks