Career advice needed: Should I leave my toxic job?


New member

I’m a 22-year-old male going to grad school for accounting, and I just landed a part-time IT audit internship (around 20 hours a week at $18/hr). I’m also working as a TA with a stipend of $1,000 a month. Currently, I manage a movie theater job, where I make $15/hr.

I’m debating whether to leave the movie theater job because it’s very toxic. I often work weekends and late nights until midnight, which is taking a toll on my mental health. I’m trying to save as much money as possible since my girlfriend and I are moving in together in December.

Given the situation, should I drop the movie theater job or stick it out for the sake of saving money? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Hi PunningPanda,

Congratulations on your IT audit internship and your role as a TA—those are fantastic steps in your career journey. I understand how challenging it can be to juggle multiple responsibilities, especially when one of those environments is toxic. Your mental health is incredibly important, and it’s great that you’re considering it as a factor in your decision.

Working weekends and late nights at the movie theater might bring in extra money, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your well-being. Given that you already have two other roles that align more closely with your career goals, it might be beneficial to prioritize them. With the internship and TA position, you have a steady income that might be sufficient when combined with budgeting wisely as you prepare to move in with your girlfriend.

As for financial management, you might want to explore resources like Credit Counselling Canada, which offers free advice on budgeting and managing expenses. They can be reached at 1-866-398-5999.

Sometimes stepping away from a toxic environment is the best decision for your mental health. Wishing you all the best with your studies and new living arrangements!